Sunday, 12 June 2011

Journal Progression - The First Journal

The first journal I had created from the start of this semester, I have managed to collect fifty entries so far... However, with this journal in particular, the people who have contributed their past and present aspirational dreams and ambitions - I have been extremely discerning with the people I asked to write in it. The other journals I had left behind in comparison to the first one I had created - there is this contrast to it. The first journal is personal because I feel quite protective of it - I'm carrying friends, co-workers and classmates past and present dreams and ambitions while the other journals are filled with entries from strangers - people I don't know, and in that sense, I feel disconnected with them.

Below are the first three entries of the first journal I started off with.

Journal Progression - The Murdoch Journal has been found !

I was amazed and ecstatic when I came across the journal I left behind at Murdoch University! By the photocopier on the window sill I had found it. I was surprised... because people had actually written in it. What people wrote for their entries were interesting, and some, quite entertaining ( with photographs of the entries below ) . One thing I did notice though, was that several people dreamed and aspired to become / still want to become successful Vet's, which I believe seems to be a 'common' aspiration and ambition that many people wanted to achieve when they were younger... However, with this at hand, I found that that a few too many people had the same 'My dream was / is to become a successful vet', in which I'm grateful for people contributing... but at the same time, gave me little to work on for the photographic compositions that follow. 

An example of one of the entries that wanted to be a Vet.

This one and the entry above it I found quite amusing.